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Please use this handy checklist to ensure you have all the needed documents to maximize your refund

Tax Slips

T3 - Mutual funds

T4 - Employment income

T4A - Certain scholarships

T4A - Other pensions and annuities

T4E - EI Benefits

T4A-OAS - Old Age Security benefits

T4AP - CPP benefits

T4-RSP - RRSP income

T4-RIF - RIF income

T5 - Investment income for interest, dividends, and certain capital gains

T5007 - Worker’s compensation benefits

T5007 - Social assistance payment

T2200 - Conditions of employment/allowable employment expenses

T2202A - Tuition fees

RC62 - Universal Child Care Benefits


Adoption expenses

Attendant expenses for a disabled person

Carrying charges

Charitable donation receipts

Child care expenses

Child support/alimony payments or receipts

Children’s fitness and arts receipts

Exams for professional certification

Interest paid on your student loans

Medical expenses

Moving expenses

Other interest expenses

Political donation receipts

Receipts for your rent/property tax

RRSP contribution slips

Tool expenses for tradespersons

Transit pass receipts

Work-space-in-home expenses

Other Documents/Information

Amounts you have paid in tax instalments

Banking information for direct deposit

Capital gains and losses information for stocks, bonds, real-estate, etc.

Commissioned employee expenses

Disability tax credit certificate

Legal expenses to collect alimony, pension or retiring allowances

Notice of Assessment or Reassessment

Other carry-forwards amounts such as tuition, RRSP, etc.

Other CRA correspondence

Prior year tax return for new clients

Rental income and expenses

Small business income and expenses

Vehicle logbook for self-employed people and commissioned employees

Volunteer firefighter’s certificate

Zero income still could file and gets the benefits

© 2019

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